The Main Company are very excited to see the launch of the new ‘Stone Collection’ by Little Greene. We exclusively use Little Green paints and have done so for many years; the paints are hard wearing, fantastic to apply and sumptuous in the colour ranges found on the existing three Colour Cards, Colours of England, Grey and Green, now joined by Stone.

Looking at the tempting photos on the Little Greene website, the Light Bronze Green looks a fantastic accent colour and how beautifully it pairs with aged brass hardware.

The Green Stone Trio, Green Stone, Green Stone Light and Green Stone Pale, will pull in those wonderful mineral tints found in light granite. Green Stone and Green Stone Pale offer enough contrast for classically neutral finishes but with contrasting, subtle colour.

Elysian Ground 320. Book Room Green 322.
Nether Red looks like my first choice for experimenting, how can one resist that wet, ‘just plastered’ finish, how difficult to achieve that look! Well done Little Greene, we are going to have a lot of fun with your new ‘Stone Range’.

25. Baluster