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Reclaimed Engineered Wood Flooring vs. Other Flooring Options

When it comes to selecting the perfect flooring for your home, the variety of choices can be overwhelming. Two popular options are reclaimed engineered wood flooring and alternative materials such as solid hardwood, laminate, vinyl, and bamboo. Each comes with its own set of benefits and drawbacks. Here, we compare reclaimed engineered wood flooring to these alternatives, helping you make an informed choice.

Reclaimed Engineered Wood Flooring

A product that combines the classic charm of reclaimed wood with the stability and longevity of engineered timber is called reclaimed engineered wood flooring. With over 40 years of experience, The Main Company specialises in creating high-quality reclaimed flooring. We repurpose resources that would otherwise go to waste by recovering wood from abandoned textile mills, European barns, and historic structures like the Allied Bakery. Having its own distinct narrative and character, each wood piece is a truly custom complement to any space. Reclaimed engineered wood flooring offers the following benefits and drawbacks:


Sustainability: Using reclaimed wood is an eco-friendly choice that reduces the demand for new timber, helps preserve forests, and minimises waste. The Main Company’s commitment to sustainability extends to its use of state-of-the-art machinery and an on-site kiln, ensuring that its products are both high-quality and environmentally responsible.

Unique Aesthetics: No two pieces of reclaimed wood are the same, offering a one-of-a-kind look that adds charm and character to any room. The Main Company’s flooring options, such as Reclaimed Heritage Oak – Burnt Grey Oak and Reclaimed Heritage Chantilly Old Tobacco, provide a variety of finishes to suit different styles and preferences.

Durability: Engineered wood flooring consists of multiple layers of wood fused, making it more stable and less susceptible to changes in humidity and temperature compared to solid wood. It is an excellent choice for residential and commercial spaces that are subject to a variety of conditions.

Versatility: With a wide range of colours and finishes, reclaimed engineered wood flooring can complement any interior design, from rustic to modern. It’s also suitable for various applications, including internal wood cladding and kitchen cabinetry, providing a cohesive look throughout your space.


1. Cost: The unique sourcing and preparation process often makes reclaimed engineered wood more expensive than other options.

2. Availability: Sourcing reclaimed wood can be challenging, limiting availability and longer lead times.

3. Potential for Imperfections: While the imperfections add character, they may not be to everyone’s taste and could complicate installation.

Alternative Flooring Options

Solid Hardwood Flooring

Solid hardwood flooring is made from a single piece of timber, usually oak, maple, or cherry.


1. Longevity: Properly maintained, solid hardwood can last for centuries.

2. Aesthetic Appeal: Offers a classic, timeless look that can enhance any room.

3. Resale Value: Often increases the value of a home.


1. Cost: High-quality solid hardwood can be pretty expensive.

2. Maintenance: Requires regular refinishing to maintain its appearance.

3. Susceptibility to Moisture: Prone to warping and swelling in humid environments.

Laminate Flooring

Laminate flooring is a synthetic product made by fusing multiple layers, including a photographic layer that mimics the appearance of wood.


1. Affordability: Generally cheaper than solid hardwood and reclaimed engineered wood.

2. Durability: Resistant to scratches, stains, and dents.

3. Easy Installation: Often designed for DIY installation with click-lock systems.


1. Aesthetic Limitations: Although it can mimic the appearance of wood, it lacks the authentic feel and warmth of natural wood.

2. Repair Challenges: Damaged laminate cannot be refinished; it must be replaced.

3. Environmental Impact: Typically made from synthetic materials and less eco-friendly than wood options.

Vinyl Flooring

Vinyl flooring is a versatile plastic material in sheets, tiles, or planks.


1. Water Resistance: Highly moisture-resistant, making it suitable for kitchens and bathrooms.

2. Variety: Comes in various styles and colours, including designs that mimic wood, stone, and tile.

3. Affordability: Generally less expensive than wood flooring.


1. Longevity: Though durable, it doesn’t last as long as wood and may need replacement sooner.

2. Environmental Concerns: Made from PVC, a plastic type with environmental implications.

3. Comfort: It can feel stiff and less comfortable underfoot than wood.

Bamboo Flooring

Bamboo flooring is made from the bamboo plant, a highly renewable resource.


1. Sustainability: Bamboo grows quickly, making it a highly renewable resource.

2. Durability: Certain types of bamboo flooring, especially strand-woven bamboo, are very hard and durable.

3. Aesthetic Appeal: Offers a unique, modern look with a natural sheen.


1. Susceptibility to Moisture: Can be prone to warping in high humidity.

2. Variable Quality: The quality can vary significantly depending on the manufacturer.

3. Environmental Impact: The production process can involve harmful chemicals.

Final Thoughts

Choosing the right flooring for your home depends on various factors, including your budget, aesthetic preferences, environmental considerations, and the specific needs of your living space. Reclaimed engineered wood flooring stands out for its eco-friendliness and unique aesthetic; solid hardwood offers longevity and a classic look but requires more maintenance and is susceptible to moisture. Laminate and vinyl are affordable and durable but lack wood’s natural appeal and sustainability. Bamboo offers a modern, eco-friendly alternative but varies in quality and performance.

In deciding, weigh these factors carefully to find the flooring that best suits your home and lifestyle. Whether you prioritise sustainability, cost, durability, or aesthetics, there is a flooring option out there that will meet your needs. If you’re interested in exploring reclaimed engineered wood flooring further, consider ordering a sample to see the unique character and quality of our products firsthand.


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